Thursday, July 17, 2008


I have not kept any kind of schedule of running since my half marathon, though I am trying to remedy that. I have done some short runs (a mile or two) and kicked up the pace, much as it was a year ago when I started. My goal is to increase my speed, hoping to best my 4 mile time at the 2007 Turkey Trot. I also got roped into taking a cross conditioning class, it kicked my ass. It felt good at the time, but the next two days it hurt to move. I hope to add a class like that to my schedule, since it allowed me the opportunity to work new muscles, and (hopefully) tone my abs.

Keep holding me accountable. I'm working on my diet, not to say I am on a diet, but I am working on watching my food intake. I am not counting calories or anything, but trying to eat smaller portions. This is considerably hard since if food tastes good, I want more!