Thursday, August 7, 2008

Facing Fears...

and getting fit at the same time!

I took my first of two wall climbing classes last night. I do have a fear of falling, and I long believed I was also afraid of heights. I confirmed that last night, halfway up the wall. It wasn't an overpowering, paralyzing kind of fear, but I was definitely out of my comfort box. Still, I pushed a little further, then I asked to get down. Next week, I will learn to belay, and I will push myself to climb higher than I did before.

It was exciting, and scary, but I am glad I did it. I don't want to live a life where I didn't take risks. Whether I climb outdoors, who is to say. Right now, I want to climb again, I want to work new muscles, try new things.

I am still running 1-2 miles a few days a week. Because my mileage is so low, I am able to run faster. I hope to add more miles, and keep the speed. 113 days until the Turkey Trot!