Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Beginning

I read an article in Geoff's Runner's World and it inspired me. What I mean to say is I read it, and the message stuck with me for a few days. So I got this crazy idea in my head... I should do a half marathon.

Geoff ran a marathon, and half couldn't be so bad, right? It's just 13.1 miles.

I asked Geoff to buy me a book to help. It's The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide For Women. This book is awesome. It has a lot of good advice, and more importantly, it's hilarious!

Before you start training you are supposed to be in the habit of running/exercising a few days a week. So Friday I hit the track at the Trails. I thought I recalled Geoff saying that 8 laps equals a mile. So I ran 16. Without stopping. Go me! I felt so proud of myself. Turns out 10 laps is a mile, but I still celebrated my victory.

Monday morning I got out before 8am to run around the neighborhood. The air was cool, my iPod started my run with I Need You (Jars Of Clay) and I was feeling good. I ran 1.26 miles

Today, I got onto the track around 11am, and started running. By lap 12, I had a mini panic attack. I'm going to try and run 13.1 miles? am I crazy?! I pushed and made it the whole 20 laps, and raised my arms in victory. I had to chant my way through the last 5 laps (you can do it!).

Anyways, I'm supposed to keep a journal of my training, so this is it. It's my accountability and I hope one day to reflect back on this.

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