Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Let me tell you about the conversation I had with my feet on Sunday.

Me: Okay, it's just a 40 minute run.
Feet: Wait, are those the running shoes? No, We're not going in there again.
Me: It's okay, it'll go by fast, just 40 minutes.
Feet: NO! Don't you put us back in there. No No No No (muffled whining). (feet thinking) Fine we'll just be stiff as boards!

Nothing was as awkward though as trying to walk down the stairs Sunday morning.

But I made it through the weeks goals. Here is what this week looks like:

Monday & Friday are always rest days.
Tuesday & Wednesday 45 & 40 minute runs
Thursday is cross-train for 45 minutes
Saturday is 3 miles (though Geoff says I should stay closer to 5)
Sunday is 4 miles, and I need to find someone to watch the boys so I can do that.

1 comment:

Trina said...

I'm very impressed, Melissa!! Tell your feet, "good job."

How are you staying motivated? I need some serious mental butt-kicking.