Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Still Going...Sort Of

I am still plugging along, albeit, not at the rate I was. I'm finding it hard to make the time to go to the gym. But the real training will have to start soon, and I will need to pick a race. Keep encouraging me. :)

Friday, November 30, 2007

The Old Bones

Went for my first post-race run on Wednesday. I felt so creaky, like the tin man. I felt like my gait was similar to Terry Fox. I felt awkward and like I had gone back to square one. I had to walk one lap, but then I kicked my butt to make the whole two miles.

Went again today, but my head wasn't in the game, and I could only squeak out one mile. I still felt creaky, and distracted. Gotta get my act together, because in one month it will be train-for-real time. January 1st also marks the day I can register for the Steamboat Springs Half-Marathon.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Turkey Trot 2007

before mile three

Race Day: I did not get a good nights sleep. Miles was up a lot, and there was a chill in the air. The high was supposed to be 31F. All I could think was, I don't want to do this. What was I thinking? But I ate a bowl of Cheerios, and a sandwich for breakfast. Got all dressed in my running clothes, threw on my parka and we packed up the kids and went. Once we got there, and I stepped out of the car, I was thinking, no way. I'm going to freeze in my running tights. Geoff kept assuring me I'd warm up once I started running.

We had 45 minutes before the race, so we walked around, picked up my bib and timing chip. Walking was not warming me up at all. I jogged a little, but was certain I'd want to keep my parka on for the race. At 10am I had to go line up. I found a spot in the crowd and tried to keep warm. I had given up my parka, but there were a lot of people wearing more than me, and a lot of people wearing less. The announcer was filling the time with a list of people who were there. The woman next to me was annoyed her "nemesis" was there. I chuckled at the idea you could have a running nemesis. Her friends were chuckling too, while she bemoaned that this woman was going to move into her age group next year, making it harder for her to win anything.

Once the race started I waited until everyone around me was jogging, and we started. I waved to my boys as I was off. I listened to the chatter of people, the mundane conversations about work, tv, and dinner plans. I swear the 11 laps at the gym don't feel as long as these miles felt. Before mile one, there was a house with a big group outside cheering people on. They even had a bagpiper! Another house around the corner from them also had a cheering party. If I had a place at Washington Park, I'd do likewise.

Before mile two is a water station. I partook of some water and continued running. Saw Geoff and the boys and heard Elijah ringing his bell. Saw them again before mile three, where there was another water station. I didn't stop for this one, just wanted to finish. It felt so long, but I wasn't overly tired. I got very excited once I finally saw the finish line. I pulled out a little more gas and was able to cross under the banner at 49:59.

I eventually found my fans, which had now grown to six. Kevin, Ali, & Kevin's mom Cindy arrived to applaud my effort. I was sweaty and thirsty, and had to hunt down a bottle of water. I did manage to grab a yogurt for Elijah, but did not want to wander around collecting what little swag there was. I was feeling discomfort in my back and feet, I just wanted to go home and have a shower.

So, would I do it again? Why not. It's doable. But next year, I want a running buddy. And it's for a good cause, the United Way. And it justifies the Thanksgiving feast.

My goal was to run the whole thing, and I did. I believe this half-marathon isn't so crazy. I just need to train properly. And that will start sooner than I think.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


No, not a physical one. The boys both have nasty coughs, so this has put a cramp on going to the gym during the day. Funny thing about childcare, they don't want you to bring in sick kids. So after a week away from the gym, I ran 2.5 miles last night.

Very nervous about the race on Thursday. Not so much an issue of "will I finish?", but rather "will I freeze?" The temp predicted by my trusty weatherman keeps dropping each day. Now a 10am race start looks like I'll be lucky if it's above freezing! Geoff took me shopping for warm running clothes, but now I just want to wear all the clothes I own!

Yes yes I'll warm up once I start running, and I'm hoping the crowd will keep me warm too. Go Melissa Go!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Can Do It!

Yesterday I ran 3 miles! Even with feeling sick, I was able to do it. It was hard for me to force myself to run slow, because I didn't want to run out of steam. But I could feel after 2 miles, that it was going to happen, so I notched my speed up a little.

My goal this week will be to try and replicate 3 miles, so pray that this cold (or whatever) doesn't kill my buzz and I can get out there. I may try to go running on Saturday, as Geoff says a cooler run will better prepare me for the race temperatures.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Workout Buddy

Friday, instead of my run, I went on the elliptical for 25 minutes. I burned like 277 calories. Ali met me there, so it was neat to have a workout buddy. I hope to do my run today at the gym.

I can totally see my endurance has improved since I began running in August. And that's pretty cool.

I have signed up to run the Turkey Trot. My only goal is to run the whole 4 miles, to not have to stop and walk. Who cares how long it takes me!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Afternoon Delight?

Did my 22 laps at the gym yesterday afternoon. At least there weren't as many annoying people as on Monday. It seemed that a rock was lifted up that day and people who have no idea about respect for other runners on the track were out in full force.

I'm feeling excited and nervous about running in the Turkey Trot. I had the data wrong, it's only 4 miles, which is longer than I have run before. But I think if I pace myself I can do it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Still Going

I've been running, I just haven't had the time to blog it. Let's say I'm still going three days a week or so, and I'm consistently finishing my 22 laps in 20 minutes or so. Depending on my mood, I'm either faster or slower.

I'm trying not to think about running 13 miles, because that thought overwhelms me. Right now, I'm focussing on being able to run in the Turkey Trot (5K) on Thanksgiving. Geoff has offered to run with me, but I worry he'll find it boring to go so slow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'm Still Moving

Okay, so I was quiet there for a while, but I was still running. I find that I don't have time to blog when I get back from running, so I've been slow to get it logged.

Two weeks ago, I was in a low place mentally, and I tried to run but was defeated. I only made it a mile and a half before I started walking then gave up all together. The following run day, I was the opposite, I was high on running. That run I punched out in 20:23, and the next run (which was 3 days later) I did in 19:12! I was on fire. I also was running counter-clockwise (as you have to on Tues, Thurs, Sat at the gym).

Yesterday, Geoff was nice enough to inform me that I had the track length wrong still, and I was shorting myself. To clarify, the track is 1/11 of a mile. So 22 laps=2 miles. I won't change my mileage, since I usually walk a lap warmup and a lap cool down.

Last nights run of 22 laps took me 20:50. I was feeling good the whole run. I made yet another run mix, and the song that makes me get the pace kicking and puts a smile on my face is Hey Ya! Great for running, if you ask me.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Just Can't Do It

Friday's run was okay. By lap 16, I had a very painful cramp that wasn't going away, so I had to walk a lap. I was able to pick back up to running laps 17-20, and finished with a time of 20:22.

I'm going to go to the gym again this morning. I better eat more than just my bowl of cereal, as that may have been the cause for the cramp. I'm also now searching for a new swimsuit, one that is just simple and can be used for my cross training. My cutsie bikini just doesn't work for swimming.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I forgot my watch Monday night, so I don't know what my time was. But I think it was pretty close to usual. Today I ran in the morning, feeling run down from a poor night's sleep. But I didn't think putting off the run until evening was going to make me any more motivated. The track was busy with walkers, and I did my 2 miles in 19:45. My last lap I like to push myself hard, and I accomplished that in 40 seconds.

I've been thinking I may opt for a half marathon closer to home, rather than the Flying Pig in Cincinnati. But we'll see in a few months. If I get a running partner for either, that will swing the decision easily.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Run Run

Wednesday night, went for a run with my posse. Geoff wanted to do a different route, so as he could push the stroller beside me and tell me about his day. It ended up being about 1.67 miles, and completed it in 20:30.

Friday night I went to the gym and ran 25 laps. Felt good until lap 12, then I started to get worn out. But by lap 17, I knew I had it in me to make it to 25. Tore up the track with my last lap and ended the 2.5 miles with 24:45.

Found that on Wednesday that same shirt was chaffing me. It may be it's been washed too much, or my weight loss has made it too loose. I may have to retire it. :(

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kicking Ass

Had a good run last night. The first time I felt good from start to finish. Punched out my 20 laps in 18:59.

I hope someday all my runs will feel this good. I think the reason for it was my mind was worry-free, and I had new music. Sometimes the littlest thing makes all the difference.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Catch Up Again

Sorry, I try to blog after my run, but usually I just have time to shower than get back to being Mommy.

Wednesday, I ran at the gym, 20 laps in 19:03. Felt pretty good, even with the smell of paint fumes on each lap.

Friday night, I ran around the neighborhood, adding another half block to my usual route, making it 1.75 miles. Finished that in 18:05.

Bought some new running clothes, since my top was chaffing me on Wednesday. We'll see how they work out.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Catch Up

Didn't get a chance to post about my run on Friday. It was alright. I felt pretty good, I really felt like my pace was on. I did my 20 laps in 19:10.

Missed my run Monday due to company & allergies wearing me down. But I hope to hit the gym this morning.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Lungs!

Monday night I went for my run. It had been rainy earlier, but since it had long let up, I went out. I was not used to the cold air, and my lungs felt like they might explode. Add to that I had NO desire to even run. But the run wasn't terrible, neither was it overly enjoyable. But I can justify snack food because I'm running.

1.68 miles, 17 minutes

Today I ran at the track. I had thought about doing 25 laps again, but I couldn't get my mind to go for it. All the mental punching through walls wasn't going to work, so I figured it better to concentrate on giving a good 20 laps. those 2 miles took me 19:44.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Slow, Then Faster

I went to the gym before dinner last night, and got in my 2 miles. The first 12 laps I felt were slow, then I hit my stride and felt like I was actually running. But obviously I had my pace way off, because it took my 21 and a half minutes to do it. My head just wasn't straight, my mind was all over the place. I couldn't focus on either the running or my music. So I didn't feel like it was my best run.

I'm going to try and run outside more next week with the weather cooling down.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Plus Five

I added five more laps to my run last night, and still felt okay at the end. I was able to do my 25 laps (2 1/2 miles) in 24 minutes.

I'm feeling good and my appetite is bigger than usual. I'm staying focussed on my little goals, rather than thinking about the goal of being able to run 13.1 miles. This seems to be working for me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

There Are Hills???

Last week when we did the family run, Geoff pointed out that my route had hills. This was news to me, as I have never really noticed them before. Now Monday I head out and it's in my head. There are hills (oh so slight, but there nonetheless). And don't your feet feel like lead? Feel how heavy your legs feel? Just quit now, and write this run off. These were my thoughts. But I plugged along, and once I hit the turn around point, it was like I got my first wind. I had the energy and drive to run home. Perhaps I needed to defeat my attitude, or maybe it was having the goal visualized. In any case, I was able to run back with a smile on my face, and a song in my heart. Incidentally, the song I heard on the turn around was Good Times by INXS. An excellent kick you in the ass kind of song. The 1.68 mile run took me 18:32.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Friday Night Is Alright For Running

I hit the gym Friday night after dinner. I was feeling good, and I had the whole track pretty much to myself. I could feel that I was running faster than usual. I did my 20 laps in 19 minutes. Forgot my watch at home, so I had to use the clock on the track.

I was feeling good the whole run, did not have to punch through any walls. Geoff says I should try to add a 3 miles run one day. So I'm keeping that in mind.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Me & My Posse

Wednesday I got out for my run before dinner. I had my cheering section with me. We went a little farther than I usually go, and I ran for 1.68 miles. Took me 17 minutes and change (can't be bothered to get my watch right now). Felt weird to run the neighborhood. But the weather was nice.

I think I enjoy running more in the evenings, because I like knowing the boys are with daddy. But I am quite comfortable with the childcare at the gym.

I need to add more songs to my running playlist, so I don't get sick of the ones I got.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Gym Snob

Okay, I'm becoming a gym snob. I nitpick the other people who are there. Like girl on the track talking on her cell phone, guy wearing too much cologne, people using the track to look out over the rest of the Trails.

Did my two miles (20 laps) in 20:15. Felt okay, thought I had a cramp after lap two. I focussed on my music, and how yummy my dinner was going to be when I got home.

Had it not been rainy, I would have run around the neighborhood. That may be my goal for Wednesday night.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Klopp Klopp

That's the sound of my feet plodding along the track today. Two more miles added to my total. I just had no energy for the run, I felt like I was going so slow. Yet my brand new watch said I did the two miles in 20:45.

Been thinking about how to adjust my schedule so I'm not doing all my training at the gym, and I am not even considering pushing the joggy stroller.

I'm pooped. I need a shower and a nap.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

But I Ran All Night

Last night I dreamt I was running away from monsters and bad guys. So when I woke this morning, I wasn't really in the mood to run. Amazingly enough, in my dream I wasn't tired from all the running, and I was making good time. Usually in a dream if I'm running, I feel like I'm going at a snail's pace.

Hit the track early and did another two miles. Felt okay, not great. Oddly enough, I was going at a 10 minute mile pace.

I'm due to get my running watch soon. Yay! It's pink. :)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Two More

Ran another two miles today on the track. Felt pretty good between laps 6-10. And of course 19 when I booked it. My visual aid was a flashback to when I was playing softball on the church team and Erik was running behind me, hoping we'd both cross home plate. I can't believe how out of shape I was then. I collapsed on home plate, my legs gave out from underneath me. To the fans, it looked as though Erik had pushed me.

I keep going to the track and thinking, today it will be easy to punch out two miles, I've been doing it for over a week. But each run brings its mental blocks and walls. I even got a cramp in my side by lap 18, but didn't stop. I tried to work it out during my cool down and stretch.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Feeling Good

I decided to go to the gym a little earlier today. Whereas I went around 11am before, today I went at 9. I was able to punch out my two miles, staying around my 12 minute per mile pace. But lap 19, knowing it was my last I gave it a little gas. And I felt good doing it. I was surprised I have that energy. When I felt like I was putting up walls, wanting to quit and walk, I'd physically punch away the invisible walls. It may look silly to an outsider watching my run, but it empowers me.

Another week of two mile workouts is what I have in mind. Then I may up it a mile or two.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Beginning

I read an article in Geoff's Runner's World and it inspired me. What I mean to say is I read it, and the message stuck with me for a few days. So I got this crazy idea in my head... I should do a half marathon.

Geoff ran a marathon, and half couldn't be so bad, right? It's just 13.1 miles.

I asked Geoff to buy me a book to help. It's The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide For Women. This book is awesome. It has a lot of good advice, and more importantly, it's hilarious!

Before you start training you are supposed to be in the habit of running/exercising a few days a week. So Friday I hit the track at the Trails. I thought I recalled Geoff saying that 8 laps equals a mile. So I ran 16. Without stopping. Go me! I felt so proud of myself. Turns out 10 laps is a mile, but I still celebrated my victory.

Monday morning I got out before 8am to run around the neighborhood. The air was cool, my iPod started my run with I Need You (Jars Of Clay) and I was feeling good. I ran 1.26 miles

Today, I got onto the track around 11am, and started running. By lap 12, I had a mini panic attack. I'm going to try and run 13.1 miles? am I crazy?! I pushed and made it the whole 20 laps, and raised my arms in victory. I had to chant my way through the last 5 laps (you can do it!).

Anyways, I'm supposed to keep a journal of my training, so this is it. It's my accountability and I hope one day to reflect back on this.